很好的边境犯罪片. 可圈可点. 你以为的真实其实有些夸大,你以为的虚假其实更真实. 边境贩毒寨子,从小开始吸毒,七八岁孩子敢玩赌命抢,哮天犬毋庸置疑是缉毒队头号精英,它的牺牲令人心痛. 还有黄雀在后的泰国贪官,演技赛老张老彭!最喜欢的是沙老板!这身材,给我十年都未必练到,红红火火恍恍惚惚This movie could have been good if the people making it had known what it's about. Everything in this movie is dumb if you think about it, and this movie does the thing where the one person whom the protagonist asks about magic is the one person who actually knows how magic works in the world of the movie. I've heard this movie described as "dreamlike," but watching this movie was less interesting and even less meaningful than any dream I've ever had. Everybody know that hearing about other people's dreams is the most boring thing in the world, and this movie is than for an hour and a half..